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LIFV - Le blog des CP de Milda
15 février 2018

Un message d'Eva

Dear parents,

Congratulations !!! We reached our objective! We succeeded our challenge to write 100 sentences in English about Lithuania! All the sentences are posted on Facebook: have a look and be proud of how much our children know! Thank you for your involvement in helping us meet our objective and celebrate Lithuania in English language! (Eva)

7 février 2018

Un message d'Eva, professeure d'anglais

HELP US REACH OUR CHALLENGE!   Images intégrées 1

The challenge : 100 sentences about Lithuania !   

Dear parents,       


To celebrate the centennial of the restored Lithuania, in English class, we took on a challenge: to write 100 sentences in English about Lithuania!


Please help your child formulate in your language one or two facts about Lithuania. In class, we will translate together in English. Facts can be about geography, history, arts, monuments, important figures, dates, sports, etc… Here is a sample of sentences we have so far:

 Yellow, green and red are the colors of the Lithuanian flag. (Rojus, CP) Gediminas’ Tower is an important symbol of Vilnius and Lithuania. (Gabija, CE1) * In Vilnius, there is a green bridge. (Glafyra, CP) There are 3 million people living in Lithuania. (Manuele, CE1) *  Jonas Basanavičius wrote the first newspaper in Lithuania. (Renaud, CE2) *  Neris is a river that flows through Vilnius. (Marc Philipp, CE2) *  The Grand Duke Gediminas had a dream about an iron wolf on the mountain. (Elvira, CE1) *  Basketball is the most popular sport in Lithuania. (Rapolas, CE1) * Mindaugas was the only king of Lithuania. (Vilmante, CE2)


This project is ongoing this week and next week. The 100 sentences will be posted on a wall at school and on Facebook.

Thank you very much for your involvement! 

6 février 2018

Devoirs des 6 et 8 février 2018

Devoirs du 06.02.2018

Lis les mots .

locomotivemasquekimonoavecmaisdonc - cruche

Lis les phrases.

Le koala se pique sur le cactus.

Le crapaud et le crocodile vont dans la classe.

Clara plante un clou dans le mur.

Savoir écrire :  toi, moi, pourquoi

Pour écouter clique ici : 06


Devoirs du 08.02.2018

Lis les mots .


photo – difficile – fourniture – phare - fantôme

Lis les phrases.

Le phoque se frotte sur le sol froid.

Fatou et Franck ont des santés fragiles.

Sur l'affiche du cirque il y a un éléphant trop fort !

Savoir écrire :  avec

Pour écouter clique ici : 08
